Thermostat 143 Degree PCM & Indmar Ford & LT1 R026002E
Fits Indmar
Fits the LT1 Engine
Fits many raw water cooled Crusader marine engines
Gasket sold separately
- 143 degree temperature for raw water cooled engines
- Fits Crusader V6 model 165 3.8L & 4.3L raw water cooled marine engines
- Fits Crusader CH190, CH220, CH270, model 220, and model 270 raw water cooled marine engines
- Fits Crusader TB350XL and TB350XLI raw water cooled marine engines
- Fits Crusader CH350, Model 350, 454XL, and TB454XLI raw water cooled marine engines
- Fits Crusader 502, 502XL and 502XLI raw water cooled marine engines
- Fits Crusader MP454XLI raw water cooled marine engines up to serial number 103880
- Fits Crusader MP7.4 raw water cooled marine engines up to serial number 103695
- Replaces Crusader 96319 and 96051
- Replaces Indmar 985005
- Replaces Quicksilver 8M0089715
- Original Crusader
The 143 degree goes in the housing in front of the water pump point out.
Also have the Sierra Brand If Preferred: 18-3551