Top mount dual function engine control head operates both the shift & throttle functions of 1996 & newer Evinrude outboards.
- Johnson/Evinrude binnacle mount control box by BRP
- For use with 1996 and newer Evinrude engines
- Requires P/N 768411 adapter harness and additional trim harness when used with 1973-1995 model Johnson & Evinrude engines CLICK HERE
- Easy cable connections for simple installation
- Thumb operated trim switch is mounted in the handle
- Start-in-gear prevention
- Push-button neutral warm up
- Adjustable throttle friction
- Uses post 1979 (CCX205) Johnson/Evinrude style control cables
- Warning horn included with control
- Does not include an ignition switch - for use with dashboard mounted igntion switch (sold separately)
- Not for use with stern drive applications
- Original BRP control
- Replaces OMC/Johnson/Evinrude 176371